Established in 2011, Casey Malayalee Inc is a union of Malayalam speaking families residing in the City of Casey, Victoria's most populous municipality, with an Indian population of over 14,000. It was formed as a not for profit, non-political organization to assist the Indian community in their cultural, social, and educational development. Since the inception of the organization, it has been conducting various community activities involving public awareness and cultural development that are added advantages to especially new immigrants. Community meetings and seminars on various subjects of relevance were conducted to share information to the new immigrants that would help them to understand the power of diversity and get blended into the community easily and be a viable member of the community.
The organisation assists in charitable and educational work of any nature deemed beneficial and within the best interest of the organization and to society as a whole. The organisation committed to hold membership meeting and drives have social gatherings, cultural shows, and conduct classes and lectures and to do all things necessary and incidental for the realization of the aim.
Bella Bella Community Center Saturday 5-9 PM